What does Overview, Knowledge Gaps and Students mean in insights by assignment?

Kathlene Stephen

Last Update 2 years ago

1. Overview

The overview shows the main points of the assignment. 

You will see the amount of students who are struggling, the amount of students who have not completed the assignment, and top knowledge gaps. 

The problem highlights are also part of the overview.

2. Knowledge Gaps

This tab lists all of the knowledge gaps for the assignment. 

Knowledge gaps show you where your students are struggling and how to help them.

You will also see who needed help on the specific knowledge gap identified, and for which problem number.

Hover over the ℹ️ under the needed help column to see who needed help.

Hover over the ℹ️ under the where column to see which problem(s) had the knowledge gap. 

3. Students

Here you will see each individual student's percent correct on the assignment. 

You will also see each problem number and the score based on how many mistakes were made.   

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