Creating an Assignment on Your First Day

Kathlene Stephen

Last Update il y a 2 ans

When you sign up for your Teacher Account, you will have the option to create a quick assignment for your students.

1: First choose your topic and questions for your assignment. For more information about assignments and types of questions, please click here.

After you have chosen your questions and added them to your assignment, you have two choices: 
2: You can preview the assignment as a student would see it

3: Share the assignment with your students

If you chose "Live, in-class session", you will come to a screen with a code to share with your students. You will also be able to monitor who has joined the class, how much of the assignment has been completed and who has finished. 

In addition to this, you will be able to view the Overview and Knowledge gaps for each student. For more information on these please click here.

If you chose "Async work", you will be asked to choose a date and time for the student to be published for the students. Once you have selected the correct due date, click on "Share with students".

You will then get a link and code to share with your students.

🧑‍🏫 Create your class: Share the assignment with your students

To create your class, click here for instructions. 

✍️ Create an assignment

For your class’s first assignment, select questions and change their difficulties.

Click here to see how to create an assignment using different levels of difficulties.

If you want more information about:

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